The Narti Brand

 The Narti dream was born in the south of France by the owner Sam. While working on superyachts his eyes opened to the possibilities of design, style and fashion. He decided to go back to the drawing-board, although the yacht work was inspiring. It wasn't his calling. Design and fashion had always been a factor throughout his youth from sketching T shirt patterns to dropping his weekly wage on (what he thought was) high quality clothes even when he couldn't afford it. So he decided to take a chance and start following his passion... design

Over the following months working in France he got to work. Late night drawing sessions and drunken brain storms grew to the Idea of Narti. A collection of pieces designed to intertwine with each other making not only a brand but an affordable high quality wardrobe, where one piece is interchangeable with the next, allowing personal customisation within the range.